Monday, June 16, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014

My First Kinder Creation: DIY Clip board and Dry Erase Board

So I'm amazed at the things that have been happening in the world of the classroom in the last 6 years!  I've been scoping blogs and Pinterest;  and found that while I've been teaching in my home, I have been missing out on a whole new world of colorful exciting ideas for the classroom!  Here is an easy one I tried.  DIY CLIPBOARDS/DRY ERASE BOARDS.
I saw this idea a few different places on Pinterest, so I'm not claiming the original idea!  The general suggestion was to use pieces of wood or cardboard and cover with Modgepodge and pretty scrapbook paper.  Then use  metal clips or binder clips to create the easy clip on "clip". I want to use these with kindergarten and was afraid that using the really strong clips would pinch little fingers, so I found these colorful bag clips with magnets at Family Dollar, $1.50 for 4.  I may have been able to shop around and find them cheaper, but I new the colors matched the scrapbook paper I had at home and thought the magnet may come in handy later, so I grabbed 2 packs!

As I was trying to figure out what kind of wood/cardboard to use, I came across some old 3-ring binders and they seemed strong enough.  SO, I cut them apart giving me 2 boards.  I hope to re-purpose the 3-ring part!

For the green and orange ones pictured on top, I  glued scrapbook paper onto the binder flaps that did not have the clear front pocket.  I don't think they will be too sturdy, but we shall see!  If you try this way, I suggest using good glue, I just used some glue sticks I had around the house since I was just experimenting with this.  
 My second try seems better!  I think these ones will work best.  I just folded the paper and slid it into the slot creating a dry erase surface as well as the ability to change out the paper for themes or seasons.  

I also like that the binder flaps had pockets, so the back side of my boards have a pocket.  This will really be useful!

My materials:

  • 2 3-ring binders with clear paper slots
  • Scrapbook paper (I had this left over from past projects but it can be purchased at Wal-Mart or craft stores)
  • Bag clips (Found mine at Family Dollar, also probably can find them at most stores)
  • Glue 
  • Later I plan on adding ribbon or other details for different seasons.  
  • Scissors

So like I said, I certainly don't claim this idea.  Search Pinterest or see what you can do if you like the idea.  I think these will be fun in my math and lit centers in the fall.  I hope to add some ribbon or other details for each season.

My 6 and 9 year old daughters loved them so much, they made their own!  I love how easy it was for them. A few dry erase markers made them all kinds of fun!  These will be great on our next road trip as well as in my classroom!

I'm keeping my blog simple until I figure this out!  I really enjoy this and hope to learn how to do it right!  Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why I started this blog-A little about me!

6 years ago I made some changes!  After 5 years of being a classroom teacher, my second daughter was on the way!  Something hit me just before she was born, I wasn't going back to my classroom!  Shocking my principal, my husband, and myself a bit, I resigned my teaching position and began a 6 year home school, sty at home mommy, housewife journey.  With no expectations I became "just mom", "just someone's Wife", and "just someone who used to be a teacher".  A new identity!  But in this 6 years I realized the importance of what it means to be someone's mommy.  And the gift it is to be the wife of an amazing man.  And this past 6 years was an amazing time of growth for me.  My husband became a full time Pastor, so I became the "Preacher's Wife".  Again, changing my identity!  My family of 4 turned into a family of 6 with the birth of my twin boys in 2011.  These little guys once again redefined my who I was a bit!  Being mom became a profession!  A lifestyle!  I know that sounds strange, but things seemed to get "real" with their birth.  We continued home schooling, always having a classroom of my own and my "teacher" identity hidden away somewhere waiting patiently to once again be part of my daily life.  So why did I start this blog?  Being offered a job teaching Kindergarten, I began snooping around the internet and realized not only is teaching in my blood, but I am a bit behind on all the great new ideas!  So I am using this blog as a tool! A type of motivation and learning tool!  Mostly to read and learn from the fantastic teachers out there.  You see this world of "blogging" was not around when I became a teacher 11 years ago! I am amazed at how teachers can share so much and learn from one another!  So I will add working mom to my resume, and remove stay at home mom!  I'm excited to see where this new journey and revived identity take me!